How to control anxiety during quarantine?


With the whole pandemic scene, many people are missing their normal, routine movements. Who would have thought that we would miss the traffic and the busy routine?

Many miss face-to-face workcontact with friends and colleagues. Could this be a major contributor to the development of anxiety?


And the answer to the question is yes, if a person you don't know how to manage your emotions In this historical moment in which we live, the symptoms of anxiety can appear or worsen.

But what can we do to control our emotions in this situation? Today we're going to give you some valuable tips for your mind and body to ward off this craving and its evils.

Tip 1: Swap coffee for tea

Did you know that coffee has a high energy content? Okay... what does that have to do with anxiety? Everything!

If you're already a nervous person, it's not best to opt for the coffee that increases your heart rate and tension during the day.


The tip is to swap black coffee for calming tea, or reduce your daily coffee intake. If you choose to switch, know that there are great teas that help us stay calmsuch as:

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  • Lavender;
  • Valerian;
  • Passiflora;
  • Chamomile;
  • Green tea;
  • Lemon balm;
  • Passion fruit flower.


It's worth remembering that in addition to the drinks, the your diet can also help to control or prevent restlessness.

In this case, avoid pizza, pasta, ketchup and soft drinks, and invest in foods such as Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, fish, eggs, yogurt and turmeric.

Tip 2: Keep busy

As I've read before "quarantine is not a vacation", and this only applies to those who are not working (or with the home office).

If you've been taken off work and now don't know what to do, think that you may have arrived time to take that extra course I've always wanted.

If you're already studying, how about reviewing the subjects and getting to grips with them? Prepare yourself for when everything returns to normal, and don't forget to think positively about it.

But if you still don't have any activities to carry out, update your movie and series listsNow it's time to marathon the best ones!

Tip 3: Information detox

If you're feeling anxious and are very worried about this whole pandemic, you have to face one thing: sitting on related news all day won't solve it.

On the contrary, always looking for information will cause you more distress. We know how important it is to be up to date on the subject, but everything in excess is bad for us.

Therefore, control your use of cell phones, tablets and computers when looking for news. Set a specific time and separate a safe source to find out more.

Tip 4: Daily exercise

How's your fitness project going? Don't tell us you're procrastinating because of the pandemic? This is no time to give up exercise, make your own at home.

The use of physical activity to combat anxiety is effective, since when we do it our body and mind work in balance.

In addition, humans release endorphins when they exercise, hormones linked to the sensation of pleasure, relaxation and happiness (everything that fights anxiety).

Tip 5: Sleep well and meditate

As everyone knows, the quality of a good night's sleep has an impact on mood and disposition. Sleeping well is essential for good health. able to treat emotional distress naturally.

We also have another ally that combats afflictions and restlessness: meditation. Meditation is very simple: you can take 10 minutes to practice deep breathing in silence.

In the long run, this could cause you to develop more control over your feelings and emotions, with the benefit lasting a lifetime.