In a scenario hit by an unexpected pandemic and aggravated by several factors, Brazilians who planned to buy a car in 2020 probably had to invest their money in other matters.
A difficult task, but the best zero down payment cars are gathered here. There's still a light to buy the vehicle that 2020 didn't leave you with.
NISSAN 2019/2020
During the month of May, while many people were isolated due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, Nissan took a stand against the downward trend in sales.
It was then that Nissan announced that it would take over the payment of the first 12 months of the car's installments, something that benefits people who, despite the pandemic, still want to change their car.
Financing a car through online lenders has become increasingly common, some names have emerged, and people are discovering more and more ways to avoid interest from banks or dealerships.
Disal Consórcio is one such example of a financing company that offers cars without a down payment, because the dealerships themselves have hardly offered plans that include the purchase of the vehicle without a down payment.
Some of the best zero down payment cars available for 2021 are:
- VOLKSWAGEN GOL 1.0 85HP 4P - R$ 53.050,50
- VOLKSWAGEN UP! 1.0 MPI - R$ 51.590
- RENAULT SANDERO LIFE 1.0 - R$ 52.690
- FIAT ARGO DRIVE 1.0 - R$ 53.190.
- JOY PLUS 1.0 4 DOORS - R$ 60.190.
Some popular Brazilian vehicles, such as the Volkswagen Up! despite being financed, remain close to the value of a purchase from the dealership itself. This is possible because the interest rates are zero.
The purpose of this text is to show that with a simple search it is possible to find sources that lead you to the best ways of acquiring a new car, without having to put your hand in your pocket to get behind the wheel.
Renault doesn't offer to sell its cars without a down payment, but it does offer customers the chance to divide it into 24 installments at zero interest.
The New Duster Zen 1.6 2020/2021 leaves Renault for your garage for a starting price of around R$ 80,000 in this condition.
In short, there are many solutions available for those who want to buy a car interest-free or with no down payment. We've only shown a few here, but there's no doubt that with a simple search, opportunities will appear.